Benjamin Stigsen

Enabling HTTPS in a Go Application


If you don't want to use a reverse proxy like Caddy or Nginx, you can add HTTPS support directly to your Go application, using the module certmagic, developed by the people behind the Caddy server project.1


Install the certmagic module: go get

Write your code:

package main

import (


func main() {
	production := flag.Bool("production", false, "run in production mode (https)")

	http.HandleFunc("/", func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		res.Write([]byte("Hello World!"))

	if *production {
		println("Running webserver in production")
		certmagic.DefaultACME.Email = "" // optional but recommended
		certmagic.HTTPS([]string{""}, http.DefaultServeMux)
	} else {
		println("Running webserver on http://localhost:8080")
		http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", http.DefaultServeMux)

To run the HTTP server with TLS/HTTPS enabled:
go run main.go -production

Note: Unless you have it set up by other means, certmagic does not support HTTPS on localhost.
Note: Multiple Go applications running on the same port will panic. In this case use a reverse-proxy.